We left on Saturday morning and drove through the rain, stopping on the way for lattes, taking the rambling scenic route for the last part of the trip up. When we arrived we were ushered into the main building, through an old farmstyle kitchen so warm you could imagine bread dough rising in it on a daily basis. The women that greeted us were equally as warm and friendly, telling us the history of the lodge and getting us signed in. Once we'd paid, the younger of the women led us out to the cottage we were going to rent. It was a "duplex" cottage with two bachelor suites side by side. The other half hadn't been rented, so we had our choice between the two near-identical units. They were tiny and cute; somewhat sparse, just the essentials - all in 1950's style. Short of the electric kettle, toaster, and frying pan the places were totally original. Our friendly hostess mentioned that when something got worn out it was replaced with thrift store finds of the same vintage.
It was the perfect place for two.
Two chairs seated at a table in the window facing the beach, a loveseat, a double bed, an old oil cookstove (one of my favourite parts) and a small kitchen and bathroom. We got settled in to the one with the better view of the beach; bags unpacked, couch tested out, heat turned on (also provided by the oil cookstove), bed rolled around on... and after a short while of testing the place out, got ready to head out again. We went for a stroll along the beach, marvelling at the view and how lovely it was, and when it started to get dark, we headed back and into the town to pick up some birthday dinner groceries..
At the market we found crackers and antipasto, and dinner things; smoked ribs, pork roast, potatoes, cranberries, apples, onions, and wine. And coffee and morning essentials. We returned to the cottage and turned up the oilstove, and got to the dinner preparations. It was so wonderfully intimate to make dinner in a place that was ours together. The warmth of the stove as it warmed itself both to cook and heat the place, the sharing of ideas, and chopping, and washing the veggies and setting the table. And the "not rushing". Dinner was served, and was most delicious...
The next morning, we got up leisurely, made some coffees and cooked up some breakfast. As the breakfast sizzled away it was decided that it would be so nice to have breakfast on the beach. With blankets around our sweatered shoulders we headed down the path to the beach, Sean looking somewhat concerned as the seagulls approached overhead. We found a mostly dry log, balanced our coffees on it, and perched with our plates on our knees. It was so nice to be outside; it was cool and partly cloudy, but it felt so wonderful to be able to do such a thing in January.
We finished our breakfast as we fantasized about owning the house next door (on the water, with a studio!!!). What a dream place. Then we packed up and continued on our way... a bit farther north before we headed home.
It was a time I'll never forget; a time that "feels like a honeymoon". It was a reunion of loves, it was the happiest of times; it was the sharing of being.
Being together.