"They have BEES!! And DRAGONFLIES!!! And an ANGEL!! They're really nice!"
Yeah, I thought, but no gingerbread man. How Christmassy are bees and dragonflies, anyways? So off we headed, back to her place to make Christmas bug cookies. And some angels. On the way home, Gillian started on about how I should make a Venus of Willendorf cookie cutter, and then gingerbread Venuses. I was resistant at first, but some brass and some cutters, and about 10 minutes of bending and twisting, and a coupleof hours of mixing, rolling, baking, and icing later... and the girls were looking pretty saucy!
Who says a chubby girl shouldn't wear a bikini or a tutu anyways? These ones are particularly enjoying themselves...
...and terribly delicious to boot!
welcome back
those girls tasted good too
what a delicious post :)
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