I noticed the other day while I was in the bath just how sensational the ordinary could be. I have a bath pretty much every day, and I enjoy it, but don't usually pay much attention to the sensations of it. This time was different.
The water was really warm, and as I slid under it I had the feeling of being under an enormous hot water bottle, the weight and heat of it. Hotter than I'd normally like - sure to live skin pink and glowing and alive. As I reclined my head into the water it swirled around making my hair dance in the current. It was so amazing that it caught me off guard, and I thought I'd tell you about it. I got out of the tub after I'd had a scrub, and went on with my day. And promptly forgot about it.
About a week later, I went on a last minute impromptu trip to the hairdresser. It was time to get something springy. Looser. Lighter. With more movement. My hairdresser agreed, and we walked over to the washing tub. I sat down. He tucked the towel into the neck of my sweater. Turned on the water. Sorted out the temperature. Touched my forehead right at the hairline. Turned the hose onto my hair. And there it was - I remembered about the bath and the sensational ordinary.
It's just a thought, but you might want to take a moment while you're doing something really ordinary or mundane. Pay attention to what it feels like to do it. Brush your teeth. Comb your hair. Have a slightly warmer than usual bath. Walk in the rain. What ever you do, just try to feel it. You might be as surprised as I was when I rediscovered the ordinary.
oh Erika what a lovely piece
happy april
ps i have curlers for you
i agree with gillian. :) one of my favourite definitions of yoga is: "yoga is doing anything while paying attention to how it feels" (jean couch). your wonderful story reminded me of that.
That is such a lovely post erika and wonderful photographs.
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