Tuesday, April 24, 2007


I saw this beautiful egg, hidden and safe in a nest, low in a garden when out on a walk the other day with friends. At first I thought ...a robin's egg. It is certainly the right colour, and maybe even the right time of year. But what would I know, I am no birder. Then upon closer inspection, as I leaned over the fence, my face entering a stranger's garden, I realized this was possibly a trick. Maybe someone thought they could fool me... for this was no living egg.

It was a fake.
A man-made effort at making an egg.
Not even a very good effort, as the egg wasn't narrower at one end, as a real egg would be. No not even slightly narrower. And much too big... bigger than an ostrich egg even. But it was beautiful, and I liked it, and I felt it's happiness at being cradled by its man-made nest. And I thought it looked comfortable. And beautiful. All tucked away like a sneaky secret of beauty in this garden hidden by a fence. And I realized I had found a treasure.


gilly said...

you take the somewhat ordinary and move it to magical places

Erika said...

Aww, how lovely... thanks.